Saturday, April 3, 2010


hey family! how are you? things are good here. k so my comps name is elder sanders. he is from Springville Utah. he is pretty fun. he is really excited. i'll tell you more in the letter. not much is new here. we met with two of our investigators on Friday, Shawn and Trisha. they are doing good. we talked about getting a testimony and watched the restoration with them. they didn't come to church unfortunately. they seem excited though. the weather was nice here for a while. the past two days have been really wet. yesterday we got caught in a down pour. we got soaked pretty good. the wind blew pretty hard and it just pelted us with rain. we had a dinner appointment so we went home and changed and called them to pick us up haha. we had stake priesthood meeting that night too. it was really good. the stake president talked about how the priesthood works and how we are able to command the elements around us. like if a tree was about to fall on our house we could command it not to. but it has to be done with faith and if we are worthy and if it is in Gods will. it was really cool. that's about all that happened last week though. we are about to go play volleyball with our zone. we do that a lot. it is really fun though. i need to get going though. thank you for everything. the encouragement and support. i really do appreciate it. i love you guys tons!

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